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Croaker's TinyMUSH Manual

Last update: December 8, 2004

Author: Croaker

Editor: Josh Juran <>

URL: <>

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. History
    2. MUSH Overview
    3. Manual Objectives and Assumptions
  2. Attribute Lists
    1. New Attributes
    2. New Flags
  3. General MUSH commands
    1. Commands not supported
    2. Changes to old commands
    3. New Commands
  4. Puppets
    1. The @force command and objects
    2. The Puppet Flag and Objects
    3. New command: @sweep
    4. Puppets and Puzzles: The Key Flag
  5. Action Lists
    1. Common action lists: ASUCC, AFAIL, ADROP, and AKILL
    2. Command Grouping: using the {}
    3. Cost of Running a machine
  6. Other triggers and attributes: LISTEN, COST, and CHARGES
    1. LISTEN and AHEAR
    2. Runaway objects and the @halt command
    3. Wildcards and Variables
    4. COST and APAY
    5. Restricting the number of uses: CHARGES
  7. Commands and Functions for Machines
    1. Delaying Commands with the @wait command
    2. Decision making with the @switch command
    3. Intro to Functions
    4. Simple Functions: RAND() and TIME()
  8. Machine programming
    1. General Attributes: VA-VZ
    2. Action Lists and General Attributes (@trigger)
    3. Using General Attributes for Storage
    4. Numerical Functions
    5. Functions to manipulate strings
  9. User Defined Commands
    1. How They Work
    2. Security Problems with User Defined Commands

Last updated December 8, 2004 by Josh Juran
Metamage Labs