Happy New Year

Goodbye, 2013. Hello, 2014.

One of my plans for the new year is to start blogging.[1] I published one entry a year and a half ago; now I mean to write regularly. In some cases, I have something I’d like people to know about. In others, I’ll be talking to myself (and anyone else who cares to listen in). In either case, the writing process helps clarify my thoughts and also allows me to mentally put things away, creating work space for other things — analogous to closing a browser window full of tabs after saving them.[2]

Inspired by this User Friendly comic, I’ve opted not to use "blog" as the top-level path component. Instead it’s just "log". I’ll let you draw your own conclusions for now. :-)

It’s going to take some time to get comfortable with my tools and find my writing voice. I’d like to improve the text display as well as my Web preprocessor that generates it. I haven’t decided how I’m going to handle comments just yet, but I’m definitely not allowing unmoderated posting that’s subject to abuse. For now, you can send me email.

Happy New Year!

[1] I nearly said "One of my goals" instead, but goals are something that you shoot for (and might miss), not something you just do, like writing.

[2] The ability to regard the arrangement of tabs in a browser window as a document and save it to disk as a unit that you can reopen later should exist, but doesn’t.